このサイトは、一次創作&エッセイサークル《Fake Time》所属
如月 巽が、自由気ままに運営しています
近現代 × 異能 不思議な能力を持った人が戦ったり事件解決したりする物語
実録作品・エッセイ 実録漫画とか
SNS交流企画 ログ的に
二次創作 息抜きでたまに雑多に描くので
TRPG 主にDX3rd・稀にCoCを嗜んでます
This site belongs to the primary creation and essay circle “Fake Time”
It is managed by Tatsumi Kisaragi.
All rights to original works belong to the authors.
Unauthorized reproduction and secondary processing are crimes.
Please definitely don't do this.
Work trends
Modern worldview × supernatural ability
A story about people with mysterious abilities who fight and solve crimes.
Work comics & daily life, etc.
SNS exchange project
in a weblog manner
Secondary creation
I sometimes draw when I have a break.
I mainly play DX3rd and occasionally Cthulhu Mythos TRPG.